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What is legal separation?

Many couples choose to separate for a variety of reasons. Some couples feel they need time apart to work on themselves or their relationship, while others may have irreconcilable differences. No matter the reason, couples often choose legal separation as a way to protect their rights and interests during this time apart. Here, we will discuss what legal separation is and how it differs from divorce.

What is Legal Separation?

Legal separation is when a married couple decides to live apart but remain married. During this time, the couple may resolve issues related to property division, child custody, and spousal support. Once these issues are resolved, the couple can either file for divorce or reconcile and resume living together.

How does Legal Separation Differ from Divorce?

There are several key ways in which legal separation differs from divorce. First, when a couple is legally separated, they are still technically married. This means that they are not able to remarry until they either divorce or reconcile and resume living together. Second, because legal separation leaves the door open for reconciliation, it often takes less time than divorce. Finally, in some states, legal separation may have different tax implications than divorce.

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Couples often choose legal separation as a way to protect their rights and interests during a time apart. If you are considering legal separation, it is important to consult with an attorney to discuss your specific situation and learn more about your rights and options under the law.

Couples often choose legal separation as a way to protect their rights and interests during a time apart. If you are considering legal separation, it is important to consult with an attorney to discuss your specific situation and learn more about your rights and options under the law.

Legal separation does not end a marriage or domestic partnership in California. However, it does allow couples to resolve many of the same issues that are addressed in a divorce or dissolution, such as property division, child custody and visitation, and spousal or partner support.

A legal separation can be a useful option for couples who do not wish to divorce or dissolve their domestic partnership for personal or religious reasons. It can also give couples time to determine if they want to end their relationship permanently.

Couples who choose legal separation typically do so for financial reasons. Separating couples can often retain joint ownership of property and continue to share health insurance benefits, which may not be possible after a divorce or dissolution.

Another advantage of legal separation is that it may provide a cooling-off period for couples who are considering divorce or dissolution but are not sure if they are ready to take such a final step.
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