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Pulling Rabbits, Author

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There is

My landing was as expected—unable to cushion the descent or velocity. Sprawling, grating, crunching, I fade back into hibernation moments before I glimpse movement on the terrain ahead. Suit reactivated, I am caged. There are beings in my proximity, and I am being moved toward the radiation of the planet's star. I am unable to move; power level 2%. I can observe. There are conversations in an undiscovered dialect. These beings are humanoid.

The bounds of this cage are rudimentary, appearing to be some sort of hardened vine, similar to Earth's wicker wood. On 5% capacity, I could launch and escape. The star's radiation is getting stronger as these beings move me in my cage toward the light. I am feeling the effect, charging my power source. There is a young one that infrequently observes me. It comes to me with offerings of sorts. Unknown if it's food or decorative. The beings appear to be non-threatening and disinterested in my being, busying themselves with preparations for a journey.

I have reached 3%. The cage impedes my battery generation by casting shadows on my outer structure. I move my limbs to optimize absorption. This has caused attention to be cast, and the beings have noticed my movement. Of the recordings of their dialect, I have extrapolated new aspects of their language structure based on the assumptions of their reactions. It will take more time to assimilate a structure where I am able to communicate with them.

I have reached 4%. It seems I am now a topic of discussion as two of the adult beings are now moving my cage faster towards this planet's star's radiation so that they can better view me. Power source 6%. No immediate threat detected. My observations are that these beings are different from humans in many aspects but share many traits. They are sentient and carbon-based humanoids with larger eyes and a seeming better ability to see in the dark than humans. Their body structures are thinner than Earth's beings but have formed opposing thumbs and are bipedal like humans.

The star is smaller in all regards and they seem, on casual observation, to be nomadic. Power source 8%. My observational sensors have detected that I am being transported to what seems a citadel of sorts. My "captors" are now visible and do not appear to be wearing clothes in the sense of human clothing but seem to be enshrouded in a second layer of reflective skin. Their skin reflects the surrounding terrain, making them hard to see outside of the dark orbits of their "eyes." Power source 12%. No immediate threats detected.

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