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Pulling Rabbits, Author

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It Moves

In the darkness of this planet, I calculate the dawn of their star's light to be about 9 or 10 Earth kilometers from my present position and several Earth days before it reaches an intensity strong enough to begin the replenishing process. 

My power levels would make about half that distance in their present state. My landing from orbit (calculate date) expended the remaining 20% of energy required to re-launch into space from this coordinate. 

Manual walking from this coordinate would be about as effective and consume as much of the reserve energy, approximately 7%, as launching toward the light.

Given the gravitational pull, I would expect a 6-kilometer terrestrial launch would completely deplete any ability to self-perpetuate thereafter. 

Given the observed trajectory of this star's illumination on this planet, the only viable prospect seems to be to launch toward the light trajectory and hope that the suit will power enough to be in the star's radiation field to restore power.

I'm consuming energy. Both scenarios—jump and walk—have relatively even chances of success, in the range of about 30.5% and 32%. Indecision is a new emotion I have not experienced as yet, and valuable power resources are being expended while I consider these options. 


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